1st 2 Years Review
3rd Year Review
4th Year Review
5th Year Review
6th & 7th Year Report
8th & 9th Year Report
10th Year Report

UECF History 4th Year Review

A General Body meeting was held in September 2000 in which a new team was elected as the three-year term for the incumbent team and leadership expired.  The following are the team members:

President: Mr. Ebenezer Mallepalle.                   

Vice president: Mr. Ajay 

Secretary: Mr. Vijay Pulipati                            

Treasurer: Mr. Simon Bushi.

Members of Board of Trustees: Mr. Ajit Lakra; Mrs. Udaya Pulipati; Mrs. Sujatha Mallepalle; Mr. Carol Daniel.


Music: Sushil Bhujbhal                                              

Womens Fellowship: Mrs. Sujatha Mallepalle

Missions and Out-reach Ministry: Mrs. Sujatha Mallepalle. 

Bible Study: Mrs. Udaya Pulipati

Youth fellowship: Johnsanjay Bhaskar                       

Young Couples Group: Mrs. Anna Bhujbhal

No nominations were accepted for the Spiritual Advisors Post and Rev. Dr. David Ravinder continued his term.

During the early part of the year, Mr. Ajit Lakra proposed the expansion of the Board of trustee membership by taking experienced ex members in and the Board approved the nomination of Mr. Rajani Kantha Rao as a new member.  Mr. Ebenezer Mallepalle resigned the presidentship and Mr. Ajay was nominated by the board of trustees to assume the role of the President until the end of the term.

During the year, the UECF was able to secure a place of worship in Edison, thanks to the efforts of Johnsanjay, the youth leader.  This place located at the Church of Nazarene at 70 Jefferson Blvd. is a central location with excellent facilities.  The UECF is grateful to the Pastor Rev. Tom Sanders, the church council members, and the congregation who graciously provided UECF the privilege of using their church and facilities.  The shift to the Edison location proved to be very popular.  The membership increased, and so did our receipts.  The UECF supported revival meetings hosted by the Church of Nazarene in which Bro.  Joshua Daniel was the guest speaker.  The year saw a new pastor supporting our worship service programs.  Rev. Steve Nash became a regular pastor bringing the word of God on the first Sundays of the month with Rev Sunil Balasundaram taking charge of the second and third Sundays and Pastor David Ravinder in charge of the communion Sunday.  Guest preachers were given the fifth Sundays.  Mrs. Anna Bhujbhal was the regular fifth Sunday preacher on most of the occasions.